Tuesday, November 27, 2007

_"wHat's in # 7?''

..what's in # 7?
They said that # 7 is the GOD's perfect number and 7 is an odd number..
..just think about it,.
There are 7 days a week
7 wonders of the world,
In the bible, you must forgive a person 70x7,
The word FORGIVE has 7 letters,
The word PROMISE has a 7 letters too,
And the word MYSTERY has a 7 letters again,
The rainbow has 7 colors & the word rainbow has a 7 letters,
..maybe GOD designed it! Begin to see all the SEVEN's in life..

[one of my txtmate send it to me..}

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

.'siNabLiGaY {tuBieg} festiValL'!!!,..

...'iT wAs heLd lAst junE 24,2007 @ SLSU pLaZa,,,,iT rEaLly aNNoyEd mE bEcOz i fEEl tHat wE dEsErVed To w!n f!rSt pLacE iN thAt cOntEst,,,,,,,iM nOt cOntEntEd w!th tHe reSuLts oF thE jUdgEs,,,,iT wAs aPParEnT thAt cHeAt!ng tOOk pLacE.......aLL oF tHe aUd!enCe kNew thAt wE reALly wERe thE rEal w!nNer,,,,i hOpe nExt t!me tHey wOuld be fA!r iN juDg!ng thE nExt dAncE dRAmA..........

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My lovely Blog!!!

halouu,,lovely guyzzz...,im lucky coz i have now a lovely blog!!!...... and im so happy coz this is my first blog,,,.and thank you to our handsome and lovable teacher,,mr.erwin who help us to create a blog,!!!....
love yah ol,,guyzZz.........amMwaAaAaAhhh!!!!,......