Tuesday, July 17, 2007

.'siNabLiGaY {tuBieg} festiValL'!!!,..

...'iT wAs heLd lAst junE 24,2007 @ SLSU pLaZa,,,,iT rEaLly aNNoyEd mE bEcOz i fEEl tHat wE dEsErVed To w!n f!rSt pLacE iN thAt cOntEst,,,,,,,iM nOt cOntEntEd w!th tHe reSuLts oF thE jUdgEs,,,,iT wAs aPParEnT thAt cHeAt!ng tOOk pLacE.......aLL oF tHe aUd!enCe kNew thAt wE reALly wERe thE rEal w!nNer,,,,i hOpe nExt t!me tHey wOuld be fA!r iN juDg!ng thE nExt dAncE dRAmA..........